Saturday, February 16, 2013

Catch Throw

Hey Let’s DEW Talk About This


  • A new way to DEW your mornings:

  • Now introducing “Coke Control”:

  • What?! Matthew McConaughey and Ashton Kutcher made this list multiple times?! No way this list can be right:

  • You know what romantic comedy doesn’t suck?.....
The M.C.M.W.: Knight and Day
  • How was Tom Cruise in the movie?
  • Did you like Tom Cruise playing a comedic role?
  • What made this movie good?
  • Could you see it, one day, being a classic?
  • What did you like and dislike about the movie?


- That my sun visor doesn’t keep the sun out of my face. 

Tech Talk:

  • Now you can “back it up, back it up, hide your kids, hide your wife” because there “ain’t no time for that”:

Minecraft. Building the future”:

  • “Just because i’m wearing a “touch” shirt doesn’t mean you can touch me”


  • “ Look Mom. Look what I built.”:

  • This should have some “creepy, purple veiny head” as the kindling:

  • You ugly! U-G-L-Y!:

Quick Hits:

  • You better not lose this, EVER!!!!:

  • He’s back and he’s gonna shoot first:

  • Just like everything Star Wars and comic books this to shall not die:

Saturday, February 2, 2013

February 2, 2013

Hey Let’s Talk About This is recorded in front of a live audience.

Welcome to this two for one episode of hey lets talk about this. Here at hey lets talk about this we aren’t like the dads that say, “son get your ball and glove because when I get home we’re playing catch” only to not show up. No, we are not like that. And, since you didn’t an episode last week we are going to make up for it and more. 

So, on this week’s show we will be reviewing two movie club movies of the week, we will reveal the clothing that all the fashion icons don’t want you to know about, we will feature a gun that doesn’t kill, but it does leave it’s DNA on you and we will ask “the question” is smelling like a man really a good idea.

So, let’s now meet the manly voices that’ll be guiding you on this audio vision quest:

It is believed that he once read a whole book backwards and upside down, while sitting under a shadeless tree, just because he had five minutes to spare: It’s Dave

It’s been said that he was the first person to say “Second star to the right and straight on till morning” and that he said it to someone asking for directions to where the nearest gas station was: It’s Dane

Some say that the reason he gave away his chocolate factory was so that he could open up a soda factory: It’s Charlie

And I am Jon and I will be your audio vision guide.

Live Free or Hey Let’s Talk About This. Oh, and P.S. We’re going to need a bigger show!

  • Ye shall know them by their works: Nerd P.S.A.
  • How true is this P.S.A?
  • Do you see this in real life?: 
Absolutely I do! I see it at every midnight premier I go to. I see the poser high school kids dressed up.
  • Was this a much needed P.S.A?
I think that this is necessary.  For “true nerds” nerdism is all they have and only other nerds get that. Just because you saw Iron man, Thor and Batman doesn’t make you a nerd. You gotta think back to high school when these guys were nerds and everyone made fun of them. It’s gotta make them mad that being a nerd is the cool thing right now due to cool movies like Iron Man, Avengers, Batman and TV shows like Big Bang Theory and 30 Rock. And, it’s gotta make them mad to go to the midnight premieres of these movies and see that a bunch of high school kids are dressed up like their favorite childhood characters, only because it’s “hip” or the cool thing to do. Everyone is protective of their social identity, sports fans, extreme sports enthusiasts, artists, musicians and music lovers but, especially nerds. Nerds have been and still somewhat are at the butt end of every social-esc joke.

  • When 1,000 words just isn’t enough: Thanks to Mike the Pilot and his wife Kara for sending this idea in.
The Hard Working Kitty:
Funny Reviews for the Kitty Shirt:
  • My friend and I have this tradition where we must chest bump immediately upon seeing each other. Doing this with kittens in our front overall pockets makes chest bumping much more fun. This shirt acts as a satisfactory substitute when fresh kittens aren't available on the farm.
  • i bought this shirt. unfortunately, it is so sweet it gave me diabetes. other than that, it's airtight.

The Fighter Eagle:
Funny Reviews for the Fighter Eagle Shirt:
  • Merica, YEAH!!! If you ever wonder what freedom taste like, take a bit of this patriotic t-shirt! This is only for hard core American's that sweat red, white and blue all over themselves! MERICA!!

- I ordered this shirt, and it promptly arrived 1 week later. I took it out of the box and immediately put it on. Just then my mom walked into my room and she literally exploded from a patriotic awesome overload. I realized then that I could use this shirts power for good, or for evil.

Now I roam the streets at night looking for criminals. When I find them, I puff out my chest like a boss and they spontaneously combust in the flames of american justice.

please only purchase this shirt if you plan on using its powers for good.

  • when the box arrived, the shirt busted out under it's own power it then saw that I had the New York Times on the kitchen table, and it beat the shit out of me. If you order this shirt, please hide all subversive literature before taking delivery of this package. Tough shirt. Tough, but fair.
  • When I wore this shirt in public I got a repetitive stress injury from the incredible increase in the amount and intensity of high-fives in my life.

The nothing like a Unicorn to help me through a mid-life crisis:
Funny Reviews for the Unicorn Shirt:
- As I was approaching thirty I realized I haven't done a whole lot with my life and found myself in the middle of an early mid-life crisis. I did a few things to change the way the world perceived me. First thing I did is purchase a 1981 Chevy El Camino with an Edelbrock intake and a number 8 across the hood in honor of Dale (R.I.P.), I pierced my ear, shaved in my rat tail, and most importantly i purchased the Unicorn Castle T-shirt. This shirt has changed the way I view myself and the way the world views me. Girls can't seem to stay away from me to the point that is almost annoying. Something about mystical unicorns make chick think that I am a mystical kind of dude....

This book will one day be as important as the Bible:
Funny Reviews for the Book:
  • I bought How to Avoid Huge Ships as a companion to Captain Trimmer's other excellent titles: How to Avoid a Train, and How to Avoid the Empire State Building. These books are fast paced, well written and the hard won knowledge found in them is as inspirational as it is informational. After reading them I haven't been hit by anything bigger than a diesel bus. Thanks captain!
  • As the father of two teenagers, I found this book invaluable. I'm sure other parents here can empathize when I say I shudder at the thought of the increasing influence and presence of huge ships in the lives my children. I certainly remember the strain I caused so long ago for my own parents when I began experimenting with huge ships......Because of the insights this book provided, I can sleep a little better and cope with the reality that I can't always be there to protect my kids from huge ships, especially as they become adults. I'm confident that my teens, when confronted by a huge ship, are much better prepared to make wiser decisions....

When you just don’t have time for the peel:
Funny Banana Slicer Reviews:
- What can I say about the 571B Banana Slicer that hasn't already been said about the wheel, penicillin, or the iPhone.... this is one of the greatest inventions of all time. My husband and I would argue constantly over who had to cut the day's banana slices. It's one of those chores NO ONE wants to do!....(her and her husband would argue over who should cut the bananas) The minute I heard our 6-year-old girl in her bedroom, re-enacting our daily banana fight with her Barbie dolls, I knew we had to make a change. That's when I found the 571B Banana Slicer. Our marriage has never been healthier, AND we've even incorporated it into our lovemaking. THANKS 571B BANANA SLICER!

  • Anybody remember Condorman
  • What is a better movie Labyrinth or Condorman?
  • Results: Greatest movie theme song ever

M.C.M.W.: Live Free or Die Hard a.k.a. Die Hard 4.0
- Note: If a topic from Tech Talk comes up during our discussion of Live Free or Die Hard that is ok. We don't have to say that we will talk about it later. If we feel like it fits then let's talk about it.
  • Die Hard 4 Trailer:
  • How does this hold up in the Die Hard franchise?
  • (Technically same question) How does this compare to the other movies?
  • Did you like that it had a “modern feel” to it, i.e. technology?
  • How did you like Matthew Farrell’s (Justin Long) Character?
  • All the call backs to the other movies help make this movie: “(Die Hard 1)Come out to the coast, we’ll have a good time, have a few laughs./( Die Hard 4) The Feds called in a favor, all ya gotta do is pick a kid up in Jersey and drive him down to D.C.” Even some of the sound rifs were call backs to the original movie. The planes at the airport we’re a call back to Die Hard 2.
  • Will Die Hard movies ever get old?
  • Grade it Free or Die Hard:

Die Hard Fun Fact:
  • When the bad guy is thrown from the fence, when Willis drives into the dumpster, Willis says WHOA and that is Willis himself reacting to the stunt they just did.
  • Right after that Willis calls dispatch to patch him through to a senior detective in the area. That detective is Det. Wiseman (pronounced Wisman) but it is the director Len Wiseman.
  • Matthew Farrell was supposed to be his son.  Same role, same character only that he was McClain’s estranged son.
  • A lot of the banter between characters, especially McClain and Farrell was all ad libbed or made up the day of.

M.C.M.W.: Jaws
  • This was the first movie that Charlie watched with his little boy.
  • Pros and Cons to the movie.
  • How does this movie hold up by today’s standards?
  • Is this a movie that over come the “nostalgia factor” and be shown to new generations of movie watchers?
  • What makes this movie a “classic”?
  • What would this movie be like if it was made today?
  • How would this movie fair if it was made today?
  • Do you see movies like this enduring for generations?
  • Grading the movie with a shark like appetite. 

M.C.M.W.: Patton

  • When there is no room for me to put my plate of food on my coffee table because there are so many other old plates already on it. 
  • When I can find the two remotes that work the TV and the Blu-ray player but I can’t find the one that changes the channel for the satellite. 
  • How you can’t watch all the shows on hulu on all devices. That you can only watch certain shows on certain devices.
  • Cilantro 
  • Monopoly
  • How trash bags don’t fit the trash cans and so you don’t get to use all of the bag, so then the bag sits next to the trash can so you can fill the bag. 
  • When you’re hungry and you open the fridge/freezer like 10 times and still can’t find anything to eat so then you go to the pantry and find some mac&cheese that’s dated March 8, 2001.
  • Weeks that there is a holiday on Monday and then the trash that is supposed to go out on Friday doesn’t go out until Saturday unless it’s MLK day and then it does go out on Friday but you think it goes out on Saturday and then when you are taking out the trash on Saturday everyone else is bringing in their trash.
  • When you stub your toe and half your toenail gets ripped off.
  • How dress socks don’t keep your feet warm. 
  • Cuticles 
  • Dry Skin
  • Shoe laces

Tech Talk:
  • The truth is out there:

- “Siri open the door.” “I’m sorry Dane I can’t do that.”

  • “Hey you’re texting about me.” “Nuh uh.”  “Uh huh I can see it through your phone.”

- To free your phone is illegal:
Is this fair? 
Could you make the argument that like art, once it’s released it belongs to the people?

  • This gun won’t kill you but it will let me track you for a few weeks:

  • A scent for everyday and every occasion:

  • “Whoa!! Dane did we go into the future 100 years? Because.....BOO-YA!”:

  • “I want you in my personal collection, so I can eat candy out of your neck!” Yeahs that doesn’t sound creepy:

  • This is for all out there:

- Who the fornication is giving these dumbasses money?! We can’t bring back dinosaurs! We have scientists trying to prove we live in the Matrix! And, We have scientist trying to make us immortal by 2045! But this....this, this, ugh, this is just complete human stupidity:
Wait! How can he do that and not reconstruct a dinosaur? I think people would rather him do that.

Quick Hits:
  • Now you can change your tire and fight a Grizzly Bear:

  • FINALLY!!! Now I can start eating breakfast:
And for the when you’re on the go:

  • Can J.J. Abram’s Bad Robots make Good ones?:
  • J.J. has said he is a huge fan of Star Wars. Is it a good move to have him direct Star Wars 7?
  • There is some speculation that J.J. will ruin his relationship with Paramount Pictures(Star Trek, Mission Impossible)? Do you think him directing Star Wars will do that?

  • An injustice to the Justice League:

